紐約的藝術經紀商Lawrence Luhring在現場看到佳士得的”救世主”賣出美金四億五千萬後說:這世界錢太多了!
去年最貴的十大,其中入榜華人的藝術品僅有齊白石.北京保利的齊白石12條屏, 以9.315億人民幣(約42.8億台幣)天價成交,刷新其作品拍賣紀錄,也創下中國藝術品全球拍賣新高。(拍品來自台灣)
佳士得拍賣公司因”救世主”而風光一時,但尷尬的是, 巴斯奇亞Jean-Michel Basquiat 的作品 Il Duce (1982)沒有賣掉!而佳士得是以保證包底2500萬美元的方式和賣方達成協議的,所以所有的成本和2500萬美元都是佳士得自己負擔.
1. Leonardo da Vinci
Salvator Mundi (circa 1500)
Christie’s New York: Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Post-War & Contemporary Art Evening Sale
$450.3 million
2. Qi Baishi
Twelve Landscape Screens (1925)
Poly Auction Beijing, December 17, 2017
Surpassing the Ancient and Amazing the Contemporaries: Important and Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphies
$140.8 million
3. Jean-Michel Basquiat
Untitled (1982)
Sotheby’s New York: Thursday, May 18, 2017
Contemporary Art Evening Auction
$110.5 million
4. Vincent van Gogh
Laboureur dans un champ (1889-1890)
Christie’s New York: Monday, November 13, 2017
Impressionist & Modern Art Evening Sale
$81.3 million
5. Fernand Léger
Contraste de formes (1913)
Christie’s New York: Monday, November 13, 2017
Impressionist & Modern Art Evening Sale
$70.1 million
6. Andy Warhol
Sixty Last Suppers (1986)
Christie’s New York: Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Post-War & Contemporary Art Evening Sale
$60.1 million
7. Gustav Klimt
Bauerngarten (Blumengarten) (1907)
Sotheby’s London: Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Impressionist & Modern Art Evening Sale
$59.1 million (£48 million)
8. Constantin Brancusi
La muse endormie (circa 1913)
Christie’s New York: Monday, May 15, 2017
Impressionist and Modern Art Evening Sale
$57.4 million
9. Cy Twombly
Leda and the Swan (1962)
Christie’s New York: Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Post-War and Contemporary Evening Sale
$52.9 million
10. Francis Bacon
Three Studies for a Portrait of George Dyer (1963)
Christie’s New York: Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Post-War and Contemporary Evening Sale
$51.8 million